Looking for an opportunity to gather in community and connect with fellow Caledonia County farmers to discuss new trends, possibilities, and challenges for the upcoming year?  Join us for a delicious meal and great conversation at our first annual Winter Farm Meeting!

This year’s guest speakers from UVM Extension, American Farmland Trust, and the Connecticut River Watershed Farmers’ Alliance will feature topics like economic decision making and the latest research in forage production.

Lunch provided!

10:00 – Welcome – CCNRCD & CRWFA
10:15 – Forage production in a new era of weather variability – Heather Darby, UVM Extension NW Crops & Soils Team
11:00 – Finding profit potential within enterprises – Cheryl Cesario, American Farmland Trust – New England
11:45 – What is the CRWFA and how would it work best for you? – Mike Snow, Connecticut River Watershed Farmers Alliance
12:00 – Lunch, catered by Libby’s Meat Market

RSVP here —> https://bit.ly/Caledonia-Farm-Meeting  or email us at caledoniacountynrcd@gmail.com