Caledonia County Conservation District supports the development and implementation of Stormwater Master Plans (SWMPs).  SWMPs are a planning document for communities that identify opportunities for improved stormwater management, stormwater treatment, or erosion control.  These assessments are a key tool to identify and prioritize water quality projects related to stormwater runoff in developed areas.  The SWMP has a particular focus on identifying opportunities for Green Stormwater Infrastructure (GSI).  This type of stormwater treatment practice takes advantage of green space to capture and infiltrate water.  There are a variety of types and scales of GSI practices, including raingardens, swales, infiltration steps, and gravel wetlands.  

Pictured left: Gravel Wetland installed at Hazen Union Campus in Hardwick, identified in the Town of Hardwick SWMP 

Another way to treat stormwater is to identify opportunities where underground treatment systems can be installed.  These types of projects are located on stormwater drainage systems in developed areas and work to filter trash, sediment, and suspended pollutants from stormwater before it enters streams.  These systems are not as effective as removing nutrients (such as phosphorus or nitrogen) as Green Stormwater Infrastructure but are still effective tool to protect water quality where you may not have opportunities to install green practices. 

Underground stormwater treatment system getting installed in St. Johnsbury near the Sleepers River


Stormwater Master Plans also identifies erosion problems that are impacting water quality.  Gullies often form as a result of issues with stormwater drainage and can cause significant impacts. Gully stabilization projects can be paired with Green Infrastructure or other measures to reduce or remove stormwater flow to the area in addition to stabilization.

After Stormwater Master Plans are completed, the Conservation District works with communities to develop, design, and implement projects identified in the plans.

Top of gully shown on left that formed in residential area of Lyndonville