Portable Skidder Bridge Rental Program
Caledonia County Conservation District has three portable skidder bridges to rent for stream crossings on logging operations. Rental fees are $100/month. If you would like to rent a bridge, please call 802-748-3885 x110. Bridges are housed at TRG log yard in East Burke, VT.
Operating Procedures
- Bridge Dimensions: 20′ long by 12′ wide, consisting of three 4′ x 20′ panels. Heavy Duty Design (1): 10″ thick Standard Design: 8″ thick.
- Maximum Allowable Clear Span: 14 Feet. Three feet on each end of bridge should be resting on solid ground using sill logs. Do not drag panels through the stream. Chain each panel to the skidder or forwarder blade, lift and set in place.
- Weight Limits on Heavy Duty Design Bridge:
Skidder: 40,000 pounds with full load
Forwarder: 70,00 pounds with full load
Mechanized Timber Harvest: up to 55,000 pounds - Weight Limits on Standard Design Bridge:
Skidder: 32,000 pounds will full load
Forwarder: 50,000 pounds with full load
No Timber Harvesters! - Sill Logs: Set ends of the bridge on sill logs. This will help to make the crossing level, protect the streambanks and prevent the bridge from freezing into the soil during winter operations making removal difficult. You will still be responsible for monthly payments if bridge is frozen in place!
- Bumper Logs: Install as many bumper logs as need to ensure that hitches stay on bridge and don’t drag soil into stream.
- Do not backfill the ends of the bridge with soil! Build up and stabilize approaches using logging slash and corduroy. This will help prevent the bridge from freezing during winter operations.