Flooding at Miller’s Run covered bridge in Lyndon, VT on 7/11/2024. Early morning photo courtesy of Tim Carpenter. Information UPDATED 7/11/24 in response to Hurricane Beryl
As our region is struck once again by another devastating flood, we look to the lessons learned from previous years for how to respond and recover. Please see below for a list of emergency resources gathered for the July 2023 floods. There are resources for both short term and long term emergency response for towns, farms, and all others. Most of this information will apply to impacts from Hurricane Beryl as well as natural disasters, in general. This information is from 2023 and may be inaccurate. This page will be updated regularly as more information and resources become available. Contact CCNRCD if you are a farmer or landowner and need help navigating these resources.
Take photos of flood damage
This will assist in receiving financial assistance for damages after repairs are completed. FEMA funding and other sources of financial disaster relief may cover 100% of the costs to replace frequently flooded infrastructure. Photos are critical to ensure funding for ALL programs.
Flood Response Info
State of Vermont Agency of Natural Resources
Flood Recovery Resources
State of Vermont Agency of Transportation
Contact your local Maintenance District
All Caledonia County towns – Phone: (802)-498-8419, E-mail: Michael.Booth@vermont.gov
VTrans Emergency Management & Response: Email: matt.nault@vermont.gov, Phone: 802-371-7910
Vermont Department of Health
Stay Safe in a Flood what to do before, after and during a flood
Emergency Drinking Water Testing for Private Wells and Springs may be available
FEMA is currently assessing storm damages. Please report any damage and unmet needs to the Vermont 2-1-1 website vermont211.org. This is not a guarantee of resources so reach out to your insurance company as well. If you are unable to use the Vermont 2-1-1 link please call 866-652-4636 or 802-652-4636 and leave a message if you get a voice recording.
It is incredibly important that damages are reported to FEMA as Caledonia County has yet to be declared as a major disaster zone. Reporting damages could potentially change this and give us access to federal grant money.
If you are an agriculture producer and your farm has sustained damage please email agr.floodresponse@vermont.gov or call 802-828-5667 OR contact your local USDA Farm Service Agency in St. Johnsbury to report any damages and losses AS SOON AS POSSIBLE! The folks at FSA can talk through all your options.
St. Johnsbury FSA Service Center
Patty Matte can be reached at 802-748-2641 or patricia.matte@usda.gov. They can provide services related to loans, disaster assistance programs and more.
Farm Service Agency Resources for Farm, Crops and Forestry Damage
The Farm Service Agency Disaster Assistance Programs
What’s right for You? Use the USDA Disaster Assistance Discovery Tool to learn what assistance programs are the best fit for you.
Crop Loss Disaster Assistance Programs:
Noninsured Disaster Assistance Program (NAP) Pays covered producers of non insurable crops when low yields, loss of inventory, or prevented planting occur due to natural disasters (includes native grass for grazing). Eligible producers must have purchased NAP coverage for the current crop year. Limited Resource, Beginning Farmer, SDA Farmer, Veteran Farmer individuals may have been automatically enrolled in FSA NAP coverage.
Tree Assistance Program (TAP) Provides financial assistance to qualifying orchardists and nursery tree growers to replant or rehabilitate eligible trees, bushes, and vines damaged by natural disasters.
Farmland Damage Disaster Assistance Programs:
Emergency Conservation Program (ECP) Helps farmers and ranchers repair damage to farmlands caused by natural disasters.
Emergency Forest Restoration Program (EFRP) Helps owners of non-industrial private forests restore forest health damaged by natural disasters.
Livestock Assistance Disaster Assistance Programs:
Livestock Indemnity Program (LIP) Provides benefits to livestock producers for livestock deaths due to adverse weather.
Emergency Assistance for Livestock, Honeybees, and Farm-Raised Fish (ELAP) Provides emergency assistance to eligible producers of livestock, honeybees and farm-raised fish for losses due adverse weather or other conditions not covered by LIP.
State of Vermont Agency of Agriculture Food and Markets
Flooding Disaster Response and Recovery Resources
Dairy Operations: If you must dump your milk because it will not be picked up on schedule, dump it in your manure pit. Make sure to keep a record of how much is dumped for reporting purposes.
Crop Farmers: Please access these two resources provided by the University of Vermont Extension Northwest Crops and Soils Program.
Managing Damaged Crops and Forage, This document lists best management guidelines for harvesting, storing, and feeding flooded field and forage crops including corn, hay crops and pasture.
Managing Damaged Corn. This document informs you on how flooding effects corn development.
Meat and Poultry Processors: Re-Opening Guidance after Flooding
Produce Growers: For specific questions about how produce crops or fields may be affected by flooding, please contact the Vermont Produce Program Team at AGR.Produce@vermont.gov or
802-622-4412 and reference Flood Response and Recovery Information Page.
* It is important to note that under U.S. law, crops where the edible portion of the plant has contacted flood waters are considered adulterated and cannot be sold for human consumption.
Lawns and Gardens: Flood Recovery Guidance for Lawns and Gardens
After Flood Tips on Edible Garden Plants, Help for home and community gardeners to navigate the next step for handing flooded edible garden plants.
Other Financial Assistance for Farms, Businesses, Towns and Organizations
Vermont Farm Fund through the Center of Agriculture and Economy provides emergency 0% interest loans of up to $15,000, for losses of buildings, equipment, animals, greenhouses and hayfields.
Farmer Emergency Fund through NOFA-Vermont assists Vermont Certified Organic Farms and NOFA- Vermont member commercial farmers (join membership here). Can request up to $5,000 in grants that do not need to be repaid.
Free Soil Testing through UVM Extension, (For phone, dial 1-802-656-3030). UVM Extension is offering soil testing, including heavy metals, at no-charge to Vermont farms for flooded fields until August 15, 2023. Make a note on the yellow soil questionnaire submitted with the sample that the soil is from a flooded field. (Contact CCNRCD for additional help with this testing)
UVM Spatial Analysis Lab– UVM’s team is working hard to inventory the damage using drones and satellites. If a farm needs evidence of damage to get relief funds, please reach out via email at: uas@uvm.edu
Emergency Watershed Protection (EWP) Program through NRCS offers technical and financial assistance to relieve imminent threats to life and property caused by floods. EWP does not require a disaster declaration by federal or state government officials for program assistance to begin.
Business Emergency Gap Assistance Program Grants program for businesses and nonprofits that suffered physical damage from flooding with the intent of restoring, reopening and bringing their employees back to work as soon as possible. Covers 20% of uncovered losses, up to $20,000.
Vermont Main Street Flood Recovery Fund Provides businesses up to $2,500 in grant allocations with potential to reapply as soon as more funds become available.
FEMA Public Assistance Program: Vermont Emergency Management The FEMA Public Assistance (PA) Program provides federal disaster assistance to state and local government organizations for debris removal, emergency protective measures and the permanent restoration or replacement of public facilities. Assistance may also be provided to certain private non-profit organizations that provide services of a governmental nature open to all persons within the community.
U.S. Small Business Administration Disaster Loan Assistance, offers disaster assistance in the form of low interest loans to businesses, non profits, homeowners and renters.
Stress Support: Farm First (For phone, dial 802-318-5538 during business hours, or 877-493-6216 after hours) Farm First is a free, Vermont-based program providing farmers and their families with support, resources and information to reduce stress.
Protect against future damage
Vermont Emergency Management Funding opportunities for municipalities and other organizations offering public assistance disaster relief and recovery.
Flood Resilient Communities Fund (FRCF) This program will prioritize projects that are not eligible for FEMA funding. Available funding is $14,750,000 in fiscal year 2023.
Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC) Grant program to states and local communities for mitigation activities. Funding can be used for project scoping, design and implementation. We are currently waiting for FEMA to release the notice of funding for 2023 and anticipate an early December 2023 State deadline.
Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA) (scroll to bottom of page) Grant program funds states and local communities to reduce or eliminate the risk of repetitive flood damage to buildings and structures insured under the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). We are currently waiting for FEMA to release the notice of funding for 2023 and anticipate an early December 2023 State deadline.
Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) federal funds are available to cover up to 75% of approved project costs. Typical hazard mitigation projects include: mitigation of local roads and bridges, home acquisition (buyout), structural elevations or relocations, replacement of undersized culverts, mitigation outreach and education, etc. Deadline to apply is Spring 2024.
The Vermont Response Recovery Fund
Contact CCNRCD for Further Information