About Us

Established in 1946, the Caledonia County Natural Resources Conservation District (NRCD) has spent over 50 years working with seventeen towns in Caledonia County. The Soil Conservation Act originally established Conservation Districts in 1939, and they were originally called Soil Conservation Districts. As conservation continued to take on new meaning and resource concerns expanded, they soon became known as Natural Resources Conservation Districts. There are Conservation Districts across the country, with fourteen existing in Vermont. Many Districts are housed at USDA Service Centers though Conservation Districts in Vermont are considered municipal sub-divisions of government.

The mission of the Caledonia County NRCD is:

  • To create local solutions for natural resources concerns
  • To improve the management of natural resources through education, technical assistance and support of local farmers and landowners
  • To focus and coordinate available technical, financial and educational resources to meet the needs of the local land user for conservation of soil, water and other natural resources